Food Manufacturing & Production
(740) 280-6805 For Inquiries

Professional Food Production & Commercial Kitchen

Our Business Model:
• Offering long or short-term professional kitchen leases at reasonable rates and on a flexible time-share basis.
• Food entrepreneurs become legal by working in a professional space that will be inspected by governmental sources responsible for the certification of commercial kitchens and support the USDA and FDA regulations.
•Providing educational programs that address food security, food preservation, food preparation, and business development.

Our Mission:
The mission of Foodworks Alliance is to support the development of meaningful, community-based business and employment opportunities in the areas of sustainable local food supply and preparation.

Thanks to Muskingum County Community Foundation, Zanesville Muskingum County Health Department, and the Fraternal Order of Eagles Post #302 we were able to replace the leaking evaporator coil that was plaguing our walk in refrigerator. We can prevent further leaks by obtaining a Blast Chiller, which will allow our caterers to safely cool their prepared food rapidly, without having to use the walk-in cooler, which gets damaged by the high acid content of some of the foods getting cooled.

We only have $7,000 left toward this $22,148 expense. We are looking to our community to help us bridge the gap.

All gifts, large and small will help us to get the equipment we so direly need. Without the flash freezer, the evaporator coil will erode again, and continue leaking refrigerant which will then need to be replaced and can be very expensive as an ongoing expense.
If you would like to help, please scan the QR Code.

Scan this QR Code – Follow the instructions on the page to donate one time, monthly, or annually. Click here.


Scan this QR Code – Fill out this form if you’re interested in sponsoring our fundraisers this year. Click here. 

Celebrate 10 Years with FoodWorks Alliance!

Celebrate 10 Years with FoodWorks Alliance!

We are beyond excited to invite you to our open house as we celebrate a decade of service to our incredible community! Join us on April 17th, from 11 am to 1 pm, for food, and a peek at our facility.

What’s in store for you:

Facility Tour: Step behind the scenes and discover where all the magic happens.

Lunch: Enjoy a lunch prepared just for you.

Meet & Greet: Connect with our amazing staff, clients, and partners, and hear their inspiring stories.

Location: FoodWorks Alliance 2725 Pinkerton Lane, Zanesville, OH 43701 (Located at the back of the Muskingum Valley Health Centers building, through the door marked FoodWorks Alliance.)

Mark your calendars, spread the word, and come be a part of this special celebration! We can’t wait to see you there.


Your Next Level 2 ServSafe Date Is Here

ServSafe Food Manager Certification Course
Ready to take your culinary career to the next level in 2025?
Join us at FoodWorks Alliance for our ServSafe Food Manager Certification course.
Our in-person program covers everything you need to know and ends with the certification test on the second day.

2024 Taste of Muskingum

The winners for the Annual Taste of Muskingum:

Foodworks Alliance Services

What we do

Commercial Kitchen Rental

As a professional member of Foodworks Alliance, you'll have access rent the commercial kitchen and prepare & produce your own licensed products.

Co-Packaging & Production

Too busy to produce? We can manage the entire process from concept, testing, licensing and production -- creating a final product under your brand name.

Recipe Development & Approval

Not sure where to start? We'll work through the entire recipe development and costing to get your food product ready to go to market.


Food Hobbyist

Do you have a recipe that everyone raves about? Talk to us to see if we can help you make money from your food hobby and begin production.


Farmers often have produce that can't sell at the market, seconds, that could be saved from going to waste. We can repack them into shelf stable products.

Business Owners

Business consultation, professional resources, and workshops are all available to you. As a member of Foodworks, you have access to all this.

Farmers – Food Entrepreneurs – Restaurants

We can help you every step in producing your food item for sale.
Getting your recipe tested and approved, to sourcing ingredients at a profit, and production getting it ready for your distribution.

do you have a food recipe?

Recipe Development

Recipes that are served fresh need adjustment for shelf stability. Our licensed professionals can help you.

Commercial License

Taking your recipe to market requires a commercial kitchen production. We can help you.

Kitchen Support & Staff

Before you hire employees to work on your product talk to us and use our staff.

Business Development

740-280-6805 Call before you take that first step and we can help with every facet of business development.

Our Social Enterprise - Sweet Life Baking Co.

We are a 501c3 non-profit agency supporting the development of meaningful community-based opportunities focused on local food supply and preparation. Our social enterprise, Sweet Life Baking Co. is a bundt cake baking company.  

Follow the Sweet Life Baking Co on social media and help spread the word to show your support for this beautiful cause. Sweet Life Baking Company Facebook page.

How Your Purchase Helps

As a social enterprise, we can provide a hand-up to women in recovery. We employ some of the best women to help in the production and building up the business.

  • Reentry jobs
  • Education on career readiness
  • Budgeting
  • Skill development
  • Credentials for future employment
  • Support network to be successful, sober, and better able to care for their families

Doing Good In Our Community

Our social enterprise mission is helping give opportunities to a portion of our community. By bringing in people who are actively in recovery we are able to provide work that gives a skill set enabling them to move in to jobs faster and better equipped. Learn more about our program.

Helping Food Entrepreneurs

As a Commercial Kitchen we help entrepreneurs take their recipe, idea, or business to a professional level. Every step of the way we can help with planning, recipe development, and sourcing. Perfect for catering, bakers, sauces, and a lot more. Learn more about our kitchen services.

Food Hub In Ohio

We play a critical role in eliminating food waste and processing foods from the food bank to the pantry, serving our community and doing our part to ensure no one goes hungry. Learn more about our role as a food hub, and how we fit in to Muskingum County’s mission to feed the hungry.


National Network & Reach

As a food-hub, we have access to resources nationwide, and distribution assistance through our network.

Commercially Licensed Kitchen Space

We are licensed to develop food products, co-pack, and manufacture and process food that meets legal requirements.

Development & Business Planning

A lot goes into developing a product and the brand behind it. Our staff will help you navigate the process taking your product from inception to marketplace.

ServSafe level 2 training course

Register For A ServSafe Course

Learn about food-borne illness, how to prevent it and how to train employees in food sanitation. Earn your nationally accredited food safety certification while staying local.

Curious about what we have cooking in the kitchen? Follow us on Facebook!

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