This course has been approved by the Ohio Department of Health and meets their requirements for a Level 2 Course in Food Protection.
Learn about food-borne illness, how to prevent it and how to train employees in food sanitation. Earn your nationally accredited food safety certification while staying local. No overnight expenses or long-distance traveling…A true cost savings.
On June 16-17th we will be holding another ServSafe Food-Manager Course and Exam!
For a fee of $200, with lunch included on both days, sit through a thorough course, and borrow a book to study before taking the exam on day 2. From 9am-5pm on both days and conveniently located at 2725 Pinkerton Lane, Zanesville, Ohio, 43701, in the back of the Muskingum Valley Health Centers building. You must have a laptop or tablet for testing on day 2, but if you need a paper test please let us know by June 1st.
Fill out a registration form for each attendee and mail it with payment to 2725 Pinkerton Ln. before the deadline. 740-280-6805
Cost: Two Day Course: $200
Price includes a two day class with lunch provided, certified instructor and exam for 5-year certification.
All classes are 9am-6pm both days.
**Textbook may be pre-purchased 15 days in advance. $75 at Not required.
***No-show reservations will be charged $25 Fee.
Payment options: -Check or money order made payable to: Foodworks Alliance
-Paypal; Credit Cards ($7.50 fee added)
Payment is due 15 days before class to reserve your spot.
Step 1 of 2:
Submit Payment
You do not need a Paypal account to use this payment service. You can pay with a credit/debit card as a guest.
Step 2 of 2:
Submit Form
Fill out the registration form. Choose one button below. (Paper form or online form)