Food Manufacturing & Production
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Celebrating Community Impact: AEP Ohio Grant Helps Fuel Our Mission

In the early days of January, our hearts swelled with gratitude as we received the generous $20,000.00 grant from AEP Ohio. This invaluable grant is earmarked for our Recovery With Purpose Training Program, a vital initiative within our social enterprise, The Sweet Life Baking Co.

With this funding, we’re able to continue our essential work with the Mid-Ohio Produce Pick Up. Here, we take surplus produce and turn it into piping-hot, nourishing meals for those in need. It’s more than food; it’s hope and sustenance for our community. We must also say another thank you to our Board Member Teri Clapper, of Merit Marketing Services for helping us to receive this grant!

Our community rallies around us, demonstrating unwavering belief in our mission. Their collective care and commitment fuel our passion to create positive change. And at the heart of it all are the resilient local women in recovery, whose lives will be directly touched by this generosity.

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